About Us
Principle Investigators:
- HIRANO Takashi, JapanFlux (Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University)
- YU Guirui, ChinaFLUX (Institute of Geographical Science and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- KIM Joon, KoFlux (Division of Landscape Architecture and Rural System Engineering, Souel National University)
Sub-project Co-ordinators
- [SP2] Networking flux measurements (inter-site comparison)
SAIGUSA Nobuko, LI Shenggong, KWON Hyojung
- [SP3] Model development, parameterization and validation, up-scaling, and integration efforts
ICHII Kazuhito, WANG Shaoqiang, KANG Sinkyu
- [SP4]Networking of Soil Respiration measuement
TAMAI Koji, LIANG Naishen, LEE Jaeseok
- [SP5] Networking flux mesurements for Non-CO2 trace gases
TAKAHASHI Yoshiyuki, HONG Jewoo
Information Managers:
- MACHIMURA Takashi (Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University)
- FU Yu-Ling (Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- LEE Young-Hee (College of Natural Science, Kyungpook National University)