About Us
Principle Investigators:
HIRANO Takashi, JapanFlux (Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University)
YU Guirui, ChinaFLUX (Institute of Geographical Science and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
KIM Joon, KoFlux (Division of Landscape Architecture and Rural System Engineering, Souel National University)
Sub-project Co-ordinators
- [SP2] Networking flux measurements (inter-site comparison)
LI Shenggong,
KWON Hyojung
- [SP3] Model development, parameterization and validation, up-scaling, and integration efforts
ICHII Kazuhito,
WANG Shaoqiang,
KANG Sinkyu
- [SP4]Networking of Soil Respiration measuement
LIANG Naishen,
LEE Jaeseok
- [SP5] Networking flux mesurements for Non-CO2 trace gases
TAKAHASHI Yoshiyuki,
HONG Jewoo
Information Managers:
MACHIMURA Takashi (Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University)
FU Yu-Ling (Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
LEE Young-Hee (College of Natural Science, Kyungpook National University)